15. Josef4 Kramis (Anton3, Anton2, Augustin1) (#292) was born in Hildisrieden, Switzerland 1855. Josef died in Hildisrieden, Switzerland.
He married Marianne Hausler. (Marianne Hausler is #290.) Marianne was born in Hildisrieden, Switzerland UNKNOWN. Marianne died in Hildisrieden, Switzerland. Marianne became the mother of Anna Barbara Kramis UNKNOWN. Marianne became the mother of Josef Kramis in Hildisrieden, Switzerland, 1877. Marianne became the mother of Elisabeth Kramis in Hildisrieden, Switzerland, June 1883. Marianne became the mother of Lina Kramis 1884. Marianne became the mother of Robert Kramis 1886. Marianne became the mother of Johann Kramis (Tochter Gertrud N. Mexico Em) 1889. Marianne became the mother of Carlos Kramis M.d. 1892. Marianne became the mother of Leo Kramis 1894.
Josef became the father of Anna Barbara Kramis UNKNOWN. At 22 years of age Josef became the father of Josef Kramis in Hildisrieden, Switzerland, 1877. At 27 years of age Josef became the father of Elisabeth Kramis in Hildisrieden, Switzerland, June 1883. At 29 years of age Josef became the father of Lina Kramis 1884. At 31 years of age Josef became the father of Robert Kramis 1886. At 34 years of age Josef became the father of Johann Kramis (Tochter Gertrud N. Mexico Em) 1889. At 37 years of age Josef became the father of Carlos Kramis M.d. 1892. At 39 years of age Josef became the father of Leo Kramis 1894.
Josef Kramis and Marianne Hausler had the following children:
Anna Barbara5 Kramis (#349) (living status unknown).
Josef Kramis was born 1877.
Elisabeth Kramis (#289) was born in Hildisrieden, Switzerland June 1883. Elisabeth died December 5, 1971 in
La Verne, Ca, at 88 years of age. She married Francisco Tejeda. (Francisco Tejeda is #337.)
Francisco was born in Jalacineo Mexico January 1887. Francisco was the son of Francisco Tejeda and Ramona
Perclomo. Francisco died February 22, 1974 in La Verne, Ca, at 87 years of age. At 29 years of age Francisco became the
father of Francisco Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, June 10, 1916. At 32 years of age Francisco became the father of
Elizabeth Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, April 30, 1919. At 33 years of age Francisco became the father of Mary Louise
Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, January 11, 1921. (See Francisco Tejeda for the continuation of this
At 32 years of age Elisabeth became the mother of Francisco Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, June 10, 1916. At 35 years of age Elisabeth became the mother of Elizabeth Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, April 30, 1919. At 37 years of age Elisabeth became the mother of Mary Louise Tejeda in Los Angeles, CA, January 11, 1921. Companion, and soverness of children.
Lina Kramis (#351) was born 1884.
Robert Kramis (#350) was born 1886.
Johann Kramis (Tochter Gertrud N. Mexico Em) was born 1889.
Carlos Kramis M.d. (#347) (still alive).
Leo Kramis (#346) (still alive).
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