41. Johann Peter5 Kramis (Johann4, Josef3, Anton2, Augustin1) (#97) was born 1876. Johann died 1954 at 78 years of age.
He married Anna Dahinden. (Anna Dahinden is #182.) Anna was born 1883. At 27 years of age Anna became the mother of Alice Kramis 1910. At 28 years of age Anna became the mother of Hans Kramis 1911. At 29 years of age Anna became the mother of Emma Kramis 1912.
At 34 years of age Johann became the father of Alice Kramis 1910. At 35 years of age Johann became the father of Hans Kramis 1911. At 36 years of age Johann became the father of Emma Kramis 1912.
Johann Peter Kramis and Anna Dahinden had the following children:
Alice6 Kramis (#181) (still alive).
Hans Kramis (#161) (still alive).
Emma Kramis (#177) (still alive).
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