40. Ignaz5 Kramis (Johann4, Josef3, Anton2, Augustin1) (#98) was born in Rain, Switzerland 1873. Ignaz died September 20, 1943 in Perlen, Switzerland, at 70 years of age.

He married Marie Kost. (Marie Kost is #148.) Marie was born in Buchrain, Switzerland 1880. Marie died December 23, 1940 in Perlen, Switzerland, at 60 years of age. At 25 years of age Marie became the mother of Werner Kramis 1905. At 27 years of age Marie became the mother of Martha Kramis 1907. At 28 years of age Marie became the mother of Viktor Kramis 1908. At 30 years of age Marie became the mother of Hedi Kramis 1910. At 32 years of age Marie became the mother of Otto Kramis 1912. At 35 years of age Marie became the mother of Arnold Kramis in Root, Switzerland, January 24, 1916. At 41 years of age Marie became the mother of Marie Kramis 1921.

At 32 years of age Ignaz became the father of Werner Kramis 1905. At 34 years of age Ignaz became the father of Martha Kramis 1907. At 35 years of age Ignaz became the father of Viktor Kramis 1908. At 37 years of age Ignaz became the father of Hedi Kramis 1910. At 39 years of age Ignaz became the father of Otto Kramis 1912. At 42 years of age Ignaz became the father of Arnold Kramis in Root, Switzerland, January 24, 1916. At 48 years of age Ignaz became the father of Marie Kramis 1921.

Ignaz Kramis and Marie Kost had the following children:

child + 59 i. Werner6 Kramis (still alive).

child 60 ii. Martha Kramis (#144) (still alive).

child 61 iii. Viktor Kramis (#137) (still alive).

child 62 iv. Hedi Kramis (#135) (still alive).

child + 63 v. Otto Kramis (still alive).

child + 64 vi. Arnold Kramis (still alive).

child 65 vii. Marie Kramis (#188) (still alive).

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