First Generation

1. Erick Waldemar1 Ericson (#126) was born in Stanton, Iowa February 1881. Erick died 1939 in Elliot, Iowa, at 58 years of age.

He married Amanda Marcella Johnson. (Amanda Marcella Johnson is #125.) Amanda was born in Stanton, Iowa June 21, 1883. Amanda died July 24, 1973 in Griswold, Iowa, at 90 years of age. At 32 years of age Amanda became the mother of Eloise E. Ericson January 10, 1916.

At 34 years of age Erick became the father of Eloise E. Ericson January 10, 1916.

Erick Waldemar Ericson and Amanda Marcella Johnson had the following child:

child 2 i. Eloise E.2 Ericson (#66) (still alive).

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